Thursday, December 28, 2006

Pine Hills Farm


1. I hate dogs in the house...(ask my family)

2. Like Josiah said he and I say "Nuh-Uh" exactly the same way

3. I don't like spiders or snakes(of course no girl I know likes the horrid things!)

4. As my dad says I actually do the dishes without being THAT for me is very

5. Lets see.....when I was younger(age 2) I thought I was so cool and tried putting on parents found me in the bathroom with lipstick all over my face, I have a picture of it if you want to see it.

6. I hate getting my picture taken...

Ok, now for the tagging

Mellisa Mc.
Grace Bandy
Holly Bennett
Carah Wallen
David Price
Jacob E.
Suzanne K.
Hannah T.
KaraLea T.
Anna P.


Steven and Milena said...

Sorry, I already taged Suzanne. HA HA HA

David Price said...

In my opinion someone should only be able to be tagged once in his/her life. I acknowledge that this is a completely different tag from that which I was tagged previously by unamed blogger. I am a very guarded person however, rarely letting even the closest friend/relative know too much. So due to this particular fact I will have to decline this tag and continue in my usual guarded fashion.

Please except my apology on this matter, as I don't want to cause any uncomfortableness on my behalf. There was no way on earth you could have possibly known I would take this tag this personally, but want to clarify I will never hold it against you. In any mannor whatsoever. This is my failing, not your!


In Him,